Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 28-30 - Vancouver

On the way to Vancouver
Vancouver is a beautiful city, snuggled between the sea and the mountains with lots of high rise glass buildings. We spent three nights here, enjoying the city immensely
Stanley Park at dusk and sunset

This the the Convention Center that reminded us of the Sydney Opera House
The mountains in the background

The next day we explored the city, went to the Art Gallery but unfortunately most of the exhibit areas were closed. We did hear a concert by a violinist and flutist which was beautiful.

The library!
The stadium. We stayed at a YWCA near this landmark. It was easy to find our way home.


The Classic Gardens of Sun Yatsen

The second night we went to a piano bar and heard many old classics while enjoying many martinis and glasses of red wine.

This was about as much "exercise" as I got for most of the trip!

The next day, we took a water taxi to Granville Island. Here are some house boats

Another wonderful farmer's market on Granville Island

Our last night in Vancouver, we saw Venus in Fur after attempting to get dinner at a local very slow restaurant.
Our final moments with Margaret before we left for Whistler and she left for Australia(. Margaret was the most wonderful travelling companion-helpful, flexible and fun! 
Leaving Vancouver

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