Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 24-25 Olympia WA

 On Sunday after a post wedding breakfast, we drove to Olympia to visit our friends, Jim and Lynne. They were Peace Corps Volunteers in Romania, were very kind to me when Mel had a temporary medical separation and we became good friends. We stayed with them two nights and had a wonderful time. I wish we could see them more often.
Lynne showed us around the Capitol Building and the city. We did thrift shops and coffee shops and had a lot of fun. Jim cooked us yummy salmon the first night we were there.

Margaret cooked us pasties on the second night.

Mel and Truman
Margaret in her new thrift store leather jacket
One of the pasties

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 22-23 - Portland

The Friday night pre-wedding barbecue was held outdoors at a park and unfortunately, the weather was cold and rainy. However, we all bundled up, ate some delicious sausage and all had a good time. My nephew Scott, me, Mike, my sister-in-law Catherine, my niece Melanie and nephew Olivier.
Ben, Mel and my mother
The bride's mother
The bride's father was the chef
Nellie and Tim, the bride and groom
Tim's brothers, Jeff and Scott, giving a toast
My brother Bill, Catherine, me, Mel
Kirsten and Ben
Tim's other  Uncle Mel with Scott
We rented a house with Mike, Ben and Kirsten and spent some time together both Friday and Saturday exploring Portland. We ate lunch in an awesome Thai restaurant-Pok Pok on Friday, tasted yummy food at the Farmers' Market on Saturday,' ate lunch at a spots bar-lots of eating!!

 Portland Farmer's Market

Wedding night

Nelly and her father walking down the aisle
The ceremony

At the wedding, my mother, my brother-in-law Jon, the groom Tim and my sister Ginny

After the reception, many of us went to a local bar where we played darts until the wee hours

The next morning. Jeff, Olivier and Tim

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 21 - Cannon Beach OR

The next day we drove to Portland and saw many waterfalls along the way.

After dropping Margaret off in Portland, Mel and I camped for one night at Cannon Beach before returning to Portland for my nephew Tim's wedding.
Haystack Rock has a prominent position on the beach.

We went to Ecola State Park to watch the sunset and play with the seagulls.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 20 - Crater Lake

We drove to Crater Lake and were amazed to find that 8 inches of snow had fallen during the night.

It was a winter wonderland but we were upset to learn that the Rim Road and trails were closed and even worse,  that the lake was not visible due to the heavy fog.

We drove to Crater Lodge and after a while, the fog lifted and we were able to see the gorgeous clear lake. Crater Lake is one of the deepest lakes in the world, formed by a volcano and then filled in by snow melt The water is very pure as no streams feed into it. The deep blue color is stunning! We were so glad that Margaret was able to see it.

We kept running out in the deep snow to take pictures and were very greatful for the warm fire in the lodge.