Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 8 - Oklahoma City to Tucumcari

This was a day on Route 66. Here is the old hotel in El Reno, Oklahoma.
Also in El Reno
The 38 span pony truss bridge
The Route 66 Museum in Clinton, Oklahoma
Each room was dedicated to a different decade during the Route 66 heyday.

Clinton also had Jiggs Smoke House where we shared a delicious and huge barbecue sandwich.

The art deco cafe and gas station in Clinton, Oklahoma

The Barbed Wire Museum in McClain Texas had 200 types of barbed wire. There were visitors there from all over the world, Aussies, Icelanders, French, etc.
A barbed wire cutting machine
Old Burma Shave signs
A restored old gas station
Allegedly the highest or second highest cross in the western hemisphere.
Cadillac Ranch-ten half buried spray painted Cadillacs
Mel adding to the paint layers

The ground was littered with paint spray cans.
Still in Texas
Sky and highway trucks in Tucumcari

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