Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Days 4-5 New Orleans

We made it to New Orleans and the first afternoon listened to this jazz group on Bourbon Street. We stayed at the Place des Armes in a nice quiet and dark inside room.

The wrought iron and plants are lovely
For her birthday, we treated Margaret to a fabulous dinner at Nola. Especially notable were Margaret's fish dish, Mel's sweet potatoes and the creme brulee. Delicious!!

First stop after dinner was Preservation Hall.  The music was fabulous as it always is. A special highlight was that Margaret was invited on stage to sing. She was mouthing the words to "When I Grow Too Old To Dream" when the band leader saw her, grabbed her hand and marched her onto the stage. There she stood in her bare feet confidently singing with the group.  The audience applauded wildly and the band members complimented her afterward. She was wonderful!!

At the Mississippi River

The next morning, we had a jazz brunch at the Court of the Two Sisters. It was a birthday  treat from Margaret's son Will and it was very special.. We stayed for three hours, went through many plates of food, a whole bottle of champagne and heard a lot of jazz.
Our table in the courtyard
The jazz band
We moved inside when the rain started
The buildings and flowers were beautiful.

Traditional New Orleans Houses

Crazy decor
Cornstalk Fence
We had delicious oysters at Acme Oyster House
Bourbon Street

The house band at Fritzels. They were fabulous!
Coffee and Beignets at Cafe du Monde. Love that powdered sugar.

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