Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day 10 - Albuquerque/Santa Fe

The Albuquerque Balloon Festival is in early October and there are balloonists up each morning practicing. We had a great view of the balloons and mountains from Kate's daughter's house.
We went to Canyon Road in Sante Fe. That town is marvelous! Sculpture and various forms of art were everywhere.
Rosemarie, Kate and Margaret
Prickly Pear Cactus
Rosemarie with turtle
Me with sunflowers
Old Cottonwood tree with wonderful bark
We loved the adobe houses
The zocalo in Sante Fe
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We asked a bystander to take our picture in Sante Fe. Kate then told him that we all met in Romania as Peace Corps volunteers and he turned out to be Romanian!
Romanian and Kate. What a coincidence!
We had a delicious lunch at Cafe Pasquale
After lunch we went to a gala at  the Encaustic Institute where Kate volunteers. Kate has become a wonderful encaustic artist and had several of her works displayed in the show.
Pictures at the Institute

One of Kate's pictures

On the way to Sandia Peak
On top of Sandia Peak

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