Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 1 - Luray to Whittier NC

Between Kirsten's wedding in Luray, VA and my nephew Tim's wedding in Portland, Oregon, we  are driving cross country with my Aunt Margaret. The first day, we drove from Philly to Luray and stayed at my mother's. Me, my mother and Margaret
The travelers
Our first stop was Whittier, NC where we couchsurfed with Jeffrey Gottlieb,  Jeff is a permaculturalist and is growing his own food and building a very basic structure to live in. He has an open sided building where he keeps kitchen ware and cooks over an open fire. Here is his pet turtle.

Jeff making a fire
Margaret and I making kabobs
The view from Jeff's hilltop
Jeff is raising rabbits to breed, sell and eat.

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