Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 22-23 - Portland

The Friday night pre-wedding barbecue was held outdoors at a park and unfortunately, the weather was cold and rainy. However, we all bundled up, ate some delicious sausage and all had a good time. My nephew Scott, me, Mike, my sister-in-law Catherine, my niece Melanie and nephew Olivier.
Ben, Mel and my mother
The bride's mother
The bride's father was the chef
Nellie and Tim, the bride and groom
Tim's brothers, Jeff and Scott, giving a toast
My brother Bill, Catherine, me, Mel
Kirsten and Ben
Tim's other  Uncle Mel with Scott
We rented a house with Mike, Ben and Kirsten and spent some time together both Friday and Saturday exploring Portland. We ate lunch in an awesome Thai restaurant-Pok Pok on Friday, tasted yummy food at the Farmers' Market on Saturday,' ate lunch at a spots bar-lots of eating!!

 Portland Farmer's Market

Wedding night

Nelly and her father walking down the aisle
The ceremony

At the wedding, my mother, my brother-in-law Jon, the groom Tim and my sister Ginny

After the reception, many of us went to a local bar where we played darts until the wee hours

The next morning. Jeff, Olivier and Tim

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